Stroke Helpline : 9653969696, Trauma Helpline : 9696529696
About Us
About Us
In today’s scenario, lifestyle changes and stress are the root cause behind disorders like stroke, epilepsy or headaches. The facts related to neurological disorders are quite intriguing. About 1% of the country’s population is suffering from epilepsy and 20% of the population, especially women suffers from migraine headaches. Additionally, stroke is the 2nd main cause of disability in the country.
Today’s prevention can protect your tomorrow. Putting efforts in modifying your lifestyle and food habits will Together, we can go a long way in preventing stroke, epilepsy, headache, and other disorders.
Dr Ashok Uppal
DM – Neurology, PGI, CHD.

Passion and Compassion for Healing
Uppal Neuro hospital has managed to create a niche in providing advanced medical care in the field of neurosciences. Since its inception on 14 December 2000, the hospital has been standing tall as a leading neuro centre in North India.
Our stroke unit, epilepsy unit and neurocritical unit are known to offer world-class patient care. We are fully equipped with neuro care facilities of endoscopic technique for brain and spine surgery along with state-of-the-art modular operation theatres. Our hospital has received accreditations of DNB and NABH for providing high quality of patient care
Mission: Catering Compassionate Care
- To Serve the community with complete dedication to continously engage in upgrading our healthcare delivery system through quality intervention by invovement of all functionaries and excellent leadership
- To Provide the the most modern and highest quality of medical care and treatment in the neurosciences the the people of india
- To Conduct research and education in the neurosciences
- To Promote an environment of mutual support, warmth and compassion in which all patients receive quality medical care.Services to Mankind with "Humility, Honesty and Humanity.
Our Vision
For a World there are fewer neurological disorders and all those touche by it get proper help they need
Our Rich Legacy
- Pioneer of clot bust therapy in India
- Genetic markers in Ischemic Stroke
- First in the region to start Neuronavigation in Neurosurgery
- First in the region to Start Neuro Interventional Cath lab
- First in the region to start pediatric Neurology
- First in the region Stroke foundation in Amritsar
- smt.Raj Rani school for special childern.
Award & Recognition
- Distt. Administrator award for contribution in Neurology (2019)
- The best president award of IMA Amritsar.
- Certificate of commendation for achievements made in treatment of stroke and outstanding services as President of Indian Stroke Association 2016-2017.
- Vocational Award - 2002 by Rotary International.
Core Value
- Honesty
- Humility
- Humanity