Stroke Helpline : 9653969696, Trauma Helpline : 9696529696
clinical laboratory tests

Uppal Neuro Centre has a well-equipped, fully functional round-the-clock clinical laboratory. Our laboratory is embedded with state-of-the-art equipment, well-trained technologists, and laboratory managers who ensure to deliver accurate results, swift turnaround time, and superior patient service.
We focus on maintaining meticulous quality standards to provide dedicated and accurate diagnostic services to inpatients, outpatients, and also for external physician references.
Uppal Neuro Centre’s clinical laboratories are fully computerized and are integral to the care of our patients. Our clinical laboratories are known for providing a wide range of laboratory procedures that aid expert physicians in carrying out the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients.
A world-class approach to neurocare advances
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world Health Day
Run FAST To Prevent STROKE
Uppal Neuro Hospital Organised Cycle Rally on the occasions of World Health Day. 7th April 2019
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