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Child Care Centre
Child Development Centre
ABOUT US – Uppal child development centre is a starkey education initiative which provides holistic grooming and development of young children. The roots of Uppal child development center lies with Uppal Neuro Hospital, Amritsar chasing the dream of our founder Dr. Ashok Uppal to cater each kid with Humility, Humanity and Honesty.
Uppal Child Development centre offers a comprehensive, integrated, client centred multidisciplinary program which includes a multidisciplinary team of Neurologist, Occupational therapist, physiotherapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist and special educator.
OUR VISION – is to be recognised as the leading provider of quality interventions for children and ensure every child is given the best opportunity to reach their full potential in life.
OUR MISSION :is to serve kids with compassionate care with a distinctive and innovative educational program that includes: gross and fine motor development, language development, cognitive and perceptual development, social and emotional development, rigorous academic standards and curriculum.
Our intervention is a family centered program designed for infants, toddlers, preschool, school age, adolescents and early adulthood to overcome their hinderance to become future leaders. We offer individualised educational plans( IEPs ) with an aim to ensure mainstream to a formal school.
We are committed to support kids and their families of following issues:
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Down syndrome
- Global development delay
- Cerebral palsy
- Intellectual disability
- Sensory processing and modulation difficulties
- Gross motor and fine motor impairments
- Behavioural difficulties
- Neuro cognitive delays
- Speech delays/ disorders
- Cognitive and perceptual delays
- Handwriting problems
- Social communication impairments
- Orthopaedic injuries
- Epilepsy
Our curriculum is developed as per normal developmental milestones in order to address the specific need of kids using following domains:
- Assessment : To know problem areas and current level of child. It also includes observation and provides every information in detail.
- Cognition : The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought , experience and senses.
- Motor Skills: Ensure the correct movement of small and large muscles of body.
- Social Communication : Communication within social situation can be more challenging than just understanding the words of others.
- Speech: A paediatric speech therapy is a type of field that is concerned with the treatment of children who have communicative and speech problems.The verbal means of communication consists of articulation, voice and fluency.
- Academic Skills: Development of recognition, reading, writing and learning skills.
- Neurologist: A doctor who identify and treat disorders of nervous system and brain.
- Psychologist: Specialised knowledge to evaluate psychological status and behaviour that promotes positive adaptation with the help of psychological measurements and therapies.
- Speech Therapist: A therapist who specialises in the diagnostic procedures, various therapeutic techniques related to various communicative and organic speech disorders.
- Special educator: Ensure the involvement of parents with additional requisites in the educational and vocational process of their children.
- Psychiatrist: A doctor who diagnosed and treat mental, emotional developmental and behavioural disorders .
- Occupational Therapist: A therapist who provide screening, assessment, counselling and management services to kids daily life activities and provide therapeutic interventions to promote, maintain and restore physical strength, psychosocial skills, cognitive and perceptual skills and make them independent in ADL.
- Physiotherapist: A therapist who focuses on restoring physical strength and mobility, preventing contractures and deformities using various therapeutic approaches to regain functional independence.
Patients Corner
Norway Timelapse
Norway Timelapse