Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Amritsar

Meet Dr. HP Singh, the Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Amritsar, India at Uppal Hospital

Experiencing discomfort or pain while walking? Consult Dr. HP Singh, highly regarded as the Best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Amritsar, India helping patients with improved mobility and relief. The doctor performs his duty with full concentration and dedication as a consultant orthopaedic and joint replacement surgeon at the Uppal Hospital. He has helped several patients […]

Advanced Neuro Intervention in Amritsar, Punjab – Uppal Hospital

In the field of Neuro, there are several other sub-specialties including Neuro Intervention that are used to treat various conditions and diseases affecting the nervous system. But there are very rare hospitals that have installed cath labs and use neuro intervention minimally invasive surgical techniques. Anyhow, Uppal Hospital is the first healthcare centre in Amritsar […]

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बोलने और चलने में कठिनाइयाँ आती हैं, दिखाई भी कम देता है … क्या  आप मल्टीपल स्क्लेरोसिस डिसऑर्डर के शिकार तो नहीं  हैं?

क्या होता है  मल्टीपल स्‍क्‍लेरोसिस Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis: हर साल 30 मई को मल्टीपल स्‍क्‍लेरोसिस दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है और लोगो को इस रोग के बारे में जागरूक किया जाता है मल्‍टीपल स्‍क्‍लेरोसिस एक ऑटोइम्‍यून डिजीज है इसमें दिमाग और रीढ़ की हड्डी की नसों को बुरी तरह से क्षति पहुंचती […]

EMG/ Nerve Conductions/EP-studies- EEG

Electromyography (EMG) is a diagnostic process that checks the muscles’ health and checks nerve cells that regulate them (motor neurons). This process results show nerve and muscle dysfunction or issues with nerve-to-muscle signal transmission. Motor neurons forward electrical signals so that muscles can contract. In EMG, several tiny tools called electrodes to use to get […]

Inhouse Pharmacy Services

We own a 24/7 In House Pharmacy within the premises, which offers a 24/7 service to the inpatients and to those who may be coming into the hospital-based outpatient. The pharmacy has all the necessary drugs, medical products, and prescription drugs. It also has a large number of drugs, making sure of the availability of […]