Providing Best Treatment for Brain Stroke in India with World-class Facilities


Experiencing symptoms of a brain stroke? Consult Uppal Hospital for the Best Treatment for Brain Stroke in India for advanced care for your loved ones. This neuro speciality centre in Amritsar deals with their customers in a very friendly manner to help them recover fastly. The hospital has a great team of experienced doctors providing state-of-the-art facilities and support to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients. If you need specialised care for a brain stroke, Uppal Hospital is a trusted choice in India.

What is Brain Stroke? 

A brain stroke is a serious condition that normally occurs when the brain cells suddenly die due to a lack of oxygen. The condition may also arise due to disruption of blood flow in one of the arteries that supply blood to the brain. This serious condition can affect the mental health of the individual such as :

  • The person may lose the ability to speak effectively or clearly.
  • The victim may suffer memory problems due to the disruption of blood supply to the brain cells. 
  • This condition can largely affect the person and paralyse the one side of the body.
  • Not only this, the person often becomes unable to walk properly and loses control or lacks coordination. 

Types of Brain Stroke 

The Uppal Hospital provides the best brain stroke treatment in India depending on the condition or type of brain stroke. Mainly, there are three types of brain stroke that a patient may suffer.

1. Ischemic Brain Stroke

Ischemic strokes are the most common type, accounting for about 80% of all strokes. They occur when a blood clot or plaque buildup obstructs a blood vessel, reducing or cutting off the blood supply to a part of the brain. The lack of blood flow deprives brain cells of oxygen and nutrients, leading to their damage or death. 

Ischemic strokes can be further categorised into two subtypes:

  • Thrombotic Stroke: This type of stroke occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms within one of the arteries supplying blood to the brain.
  • Embolic Stroke: In this condition, a blood clot or other debris forms elsewhere in the body, often in the heart and travels through the bloodstream until it lodges in a narrow brain artery.

2. Hemorrhagic Brain Stroke : 

Hemorrhagic strokes result from bleeding in the brain. This can occur due to the rupture of weakened blood vessels or an abnormal tangle of blood vessels known as an arteriovenous malformation (AVM). 

The two primary types of hemorrhagic stroke are:

  • Intracerebral Haemorrhage: This type of stroke happens when a blood vessel within the brain ruptures, causing bleeding and damage to surrounding brain tissue.
  • Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: It occurs when there is bleeding in the space between the brain and the thin tissues that cover it. This type of stroke is commonly caused by the rupture of an aneurysm, a bulging blood vessel.

3. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA): 

  • Also referred to as a “mini-stroke,” a TIA is a temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain. 
  • It occurs when there is a brief blockage or reduction in blood flow to a part of the brain, resulting in temporary stroke-like symptoms. 
  • TIAs typically resolve within a few minutes to hours and do not cause permanent brain damage. 
  • However, they should be taken seriously as they can be warning signs of an impending major stroke.

Symptoms of Brain Stroke 

Brain strokes can present a variety of symptoms that typically occur suddenly and require immediate medical attention. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for early intervention and better chances of recovery. Here are some common symptoms of a brain stroke:

1. Sudden Weakness or Paralysis: One side of the body may become weak or paralyzed, affecting the face, arm, or leg. This weakness or paralysis is often on the opposite side of the brain affected by the stroke.

2. Trouble Speaking or Understanding: Difficulty speaking or understanding speech is a common symptom. A person may have slurred speech, struggle to find the right words, or have trouble comprehending what others are saying.

3. Loss of Coordination or Balance: A stroke can cause a sudden loss of coordination or balance. This may manifest as difficulty walking, dizziness, or a sense of unsteadiness.

4. Severe Headache: A sudden, severe headache, often described as the worst headache of one’s life, can occur during a stroke. This headache may be accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting or altered consciousness.

5. Numbness or Tingling: Numbness or a “pins and needles” sensation may be experienced in the face, arm, or leg, particularly on one side of the body.

6. Visual Disturbances: Blurred vision, double vision, or a sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes can occur during a stroke.

7. Confusion or Trouble Understanding: Stroke can cause confusion, difficulty understanding information, or disorientation to time, place, or person.

If you are feeling all the above-listed symptoms, then consult a stroke specialist doctor of the Uppal Hospital to treat the life leading disease as soon as possible to live a healthy life. 

Treatment Options for Brain Stroke 

At Uppal Hospital, you will get a wide range of services and treatments to cure brain stroke. Some of our special treatments for brain stroke are listed as given below: 

1. TPA : 

  • TPA treatment stands for Tissue Plasminogen Activator. 
  • It is mainly considered the medication used for the treatment of ischemic strokes, which occur when a blood clot blocks an artery in the brain. 
  • When administered intravenously, TPA helps dissolve the clot, restoring blood flow to the affected area of the brain. 
  • Moreover, it is most effective when given within a few hours of the stroke’s onset. 
  • TPA can potentially limit the extent of brain damage caused by the lack of blood flow.

2. Clot burst therapy : 

  • This therapy is also known as mechanical thrombectomy, which is a procedure used to physically remove or break up blood clots that are causing an ischemic stroke. 
  • It is particularly suitable for large or difficult-to-dissolve clots. 
  • During the procedure, a catheter with a specialised device is guided through a blood vessel, usually from the groyne, to the blocked artery in the brain. 
  • The device then removes or breaks up the clot, restoring blood flow and reducing the extent of brain damage.

3. Decompressive Craniectomy

  • This treatment is a surgical intervention that is used for certain cases to cure severe brain stroke. 
  • It involves removing a part of the skull to relieve pressure caused by brain swelling. 
  • When a stroke occurs, the damaged brain tissue may swell, leading to increased pressure within the skull. 
  • Moreover, this therapy creates extra space for the brain to expand, reducing pressure and minimising further damage. 
  • Also, the removed portion of the skull is replaced when brain swelling subsides.  

4. Stroke Rehabilitation

  • The expert professionals of Uppal Hospital conduct a comprehensive program that mainly focuses on helping individuals to recover and regain function following a stroke. 
  • It typically involves a multidisciplinary approach including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy as well as cognitive therapy. 
  • Furthermore, the goal of stroke rehabilitation is to improve motor skills, regain strength and coordination, address speech and swallowing difficulties, enhance cognitive abilities and promote overall independence and quality of life.

In The End…

Brain Stroke may be a serious condition due to which a person suffers various losses such as speech recognition problems and inability to memorise including various other health symptoms. But, these problems can be treated by consulting a Best Neurologist in Amritsar and leading a healthy life. Uppal Hospital is designated as the hospital for the best brain stroke treatment in India. For more queries and stroke or trauma helpline, feel free to connect with us at 9653969696 or 9696529696, respectively. You can also book your appointment at


Ques: What is the best treatment for stroke in India?

Ans: TPA is often considered the Best Treatment for Stroke in India. In this treatment, the doctor provides a drug to the patient to dissolve the clot within three hours and restore blood flow. 

Ques: How successful is stroke treatment?

Ans: The success rate of stroke treatment mainly depends on the severity of the patient’s condition and the experience of the doctor. Moreover, the stroke specialist doctor in the Uppal Hospital provides the best treatment and handles every case of stroke of care. 

Ques: What is the best recovery for a stroke?

Ans: Physical Therapy is chosen as the best option to recover from the stroke. Exercising regularly helps an individual to stay fit and get rid of any harmful diseases. Moreover, regular physical fitness enhances blood flow thus lowering the chances of blood clots in the brain. 

Ques: What are the chances of 100% recovery from a stroke?

Ans: The chances of 100% recovery from a stroke can depend on the condition of a patient. It can take weeks, months or years to recover from lifelong disabilities.



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